
5 Job Fields that Value Java Coding Skills

In this post, we feature a comprehensive article on 5 Job Fields that Value Java Coding Skills. It’s often said that Java is a dying language because its worldwide usage has been steadily dropping in recent years. However, a decrease in usage does not necessarily equate to a loss in value for Java programmers. There are still quite a few industries that actively seek out Java-fluent coders.

In fact, the tech giant Facebook has estimated that there will be at least one million programming jobs left unfulfilled by 2020, despite the gradual decrease in relative popularity of the Java language. Many of those jobs can be found in any of the following five job fields.

1. Software Development

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job growth rate for software developers in 2017 was 21%, or “much faster than average,” demonstrating a massive increase in demand for labor relative to the growth of other industries.

Software development firms frequently employ java for a variety of functions ranging from crafting a better user experience to handling heavy data analytics. But perhaps the most important reason for software developers to know Java is the fact that Java has been used in a massive number of programs and applications since its invention several decades ago.

The historical popularity of Java in the world of software development, along with the fact that knowing more than one programming language can increase your odds of landing a job as a software developer, has made programmers the world over pick up this language despite the overall decline in it’s inter-industry popularity.

2. Gaming

Python is rapidly gaining on Java in terms of popularity in game-development, in part because of the fact that Python is easier for first-time coders to learn; however, the truth is that many games today are still powered by Java.

In fact, even a large number of wildly successful, modern games employ Java to some extent. For example, all of the server code for Clash of Clans is written in Java. Considering the fact that SuperCell, the company that owns Clash of Clans, is a multi-billion-dollar company, the drive for Java knowledge in the gaming industry is rather self-explanatory.

Even when it comes to creating coding games for kids, developers still look to Java for purposes ranging from server maintenance to cross-platform compatibility, making Java a great language to know in the world of gaming.

3. Web Development

When people think of web development, they tend to think of JavaScript because of the fact that JavaScript is one of the most common programming languages used for that purpose. However, Java–without the Script–is also a widely sought-after programming language in the world of web development, granted to a lesser extent.

This is largely due to the scalability inherent to the Java language. That scalability is what led Twitter to ditch Ruby in favor of Java. Simply put, Java exceeds the scalability levels of Ruby by leagues and bounds, making it a far more useful programming language for companies that are looking to pursue exponential growth.

4. App Development

Even mobile app development groups demonstrate a heavy reliance on Java. For instance, the Android apps are officially intended to be created from the Java language, but the use of Java in Android isn’t just about being the official language of the app marketplace.

Large portions of the common Android operating system are written in Java. That alone has made Java one of the most important–even if not the most popular in terms of today’s usage rates–programming languages available to any programmer in the field of app development.

That said, thanks to Apple’s XCode software, Swift is rapidly gaining ground amongst newcomers to the world of code.

5. Science and Research

A general rule of thumb is that, if you’re in a lab, you’re probably using Java. That’s because Java is the standard programming languages of scientific applications in part because of tradition and in part because of the high-volume, data-analytics functions that Java renders so easy.

Unfortunately, the question of whether or not Java is going to maintain its status as the industry standard in the world of research has become a subject of some contention in recent years, with many labs switching over to Python in order to present new researchers with a programming language that is much easier for first-timers to learn.

That debate has also carried over to the educational realm, with many professionals debating whether to emphasize Java or Python when teaching coding for kids. Given current and historical usage statistics, however, the most efficient course of action seems to be teaching STEM students both Java and Python, in order to maximize future research prospects.

6. Java Coding Skills – Conclusion

Each of these five job fields are among the top of the list when it comes to the importance of Java programming skills, but that doesn’t mean that they are the only job fields with employers looking for Java programmers.

All-in-all, having a firm understanding of Java and its various applications in addition to your secondary programming language of choice (which, let’s face it, should probably be Python) can make you a powerful double-threat in the world of technology.

Tori Lutz

Katherine (Tori) Lutz is a Florida State University graduate with a B.A. in English. Currently, she is studying at Columbia University and working freelance in the areas of writing, editing, and marketing. She is living in New York City and spends her free time reading, dining with friends, and taking care of her cat, Garfunkel.
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