Getting Started With Rancher Cheatsheet

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JCGs (Java Code Geeks) is an independent online community focused on creating the ultimate Java to Java developers resource center; targeted at the technical architect, technical team lead (senior developer), project manager and junior developers alike.

This cheatsheet is organized to guide you through key aspects of Rancher, from installation and setup to creating clusters, deploying applications, and maintaining a healthy container ecosystem. Each section provides clear instructions, command snippets, and explanations that will help you grasp the core concepts and master the essential tasks.

Getting Started with Rancher Cheatsheet includes:

    1. RKE
    2. K3s
    3. Installing Rancher
    4. Adding a Host
    5. Creating a RKE Cluster
    6. Rancher on a K3s cluster
    7. Creating Environments
    8. Switching Between Environments
    9. Deploying Using Catalog Templates
    10. Deploying Using Kubernetes Manifests
    11. Monitoring Applications
    12. Scaling Workloads
    13. Access the Master Node
    14. Identify etcd Data Directory
    15. Stop K3s
    16. Create the Backup
    17. Start K3s
    18. Test the Backup
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